Tours, TV Shows, and Music Studios: It’s Been a Big Year!

It has been a big year for Underhill Rose. We completed our first national tour that took us all the way to the Pacific Ocean, appeared on The Woodwright’s Shop how-to show, and most importantly, met our Kickstarter goal and cut our third (and best yet) full-length album. We were also happy to join forces with Nimbleslick Entertainment who is helping us keep up-to-date with show bookings.

The recorded album tracks are in safekeeping with our mixer, Danny Kadar, down in New Orleans. In a few weeks, we will send the mixed tracks to a mastering engineer who will put on the final touches and make sure the songs sound great for radio, car stereos, and massive sound systems alike. In the meantime, we are working on the album art and dreaming up the best title. We have already completed the photo shoot for the album with an amazing photographer named Lynne Hardy. We wanted to highlight the scenic beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains we call home for this record.

As for the “Woodwright’s Shop -The Musical” episode, make sure that you check your local listings as it is currently being aired all over the nation!

We hope that you enjoy the holidays as this year draws to a close. Stay posted for a spring album release!

Warm wishes and a Happy New Year!

XOXO Eleanor, Molly, & Salley

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